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Office of Medical Student Inclusion and Enrichment Programs (OMSIEP) - SMD Grads

No matter where we’re from, what language we speak, or our economic status, we all need health care. One of the most rewarding aspects of your career will be working with patients of all cultures and backgrounds.

The University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry (URSMD) is committed to increasing the number of physicians with diverse backgrounds and those who demonstrate a vision and commitment to improving the health status of diverse patient populations via patient care, research and/or teaching. As a result, OMSIEP was established to continue to broaden the scope of medical education beyond the classroom to include health, culture, and educational experiences with the goal of creating cross-culturally humble physicians. OMSIEP serves as a resource to bridge URSMD with local, national, and international communities.

Fostering inquiry, advocacy, assessment and dialogue about diversity and international affairs
Creating educational programs that address the issues and experiences of cultural humility
Promoting the understanding the social, political, and economic determents of health through Speaker Bureaus, Cultural Celebrations, and student groups such as SNMA, APAMSA and Spectrum
  • 601 Elmwood Avenue, Box 601
    Rochester, NY 14642

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