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CAPS Services - School of Nursing Students

  • SON Students

At the University of Rochester School of Nursing, we believe that every student benefits from a strong support network of peers and faculty. The Center for Academic and Professional Success (CAPS) is an extraordinary resource for School of Nursing students who want to improve their learning strategies, critical thinking skills, study habits, or receive academic assistance in a particular content area. CAPS is overseen by faculty and student representatives committed to the academic success and professional growth of all School of Nursing students. Complete a self-referral to get started today. All CAPS services are free to School of Nursing students.

The CAPS office is located in Room 1W141, directly across from the Clinical Education Resource Center (CERC) desk on the first floor of Helen Wood Hall.

  • Mentoring
  • Instruction for specific course content
  • Assitance with test-taking
  • Stress management
  • Career planning
  • Resume writing
  • Help with database and literature reviews
  • Tutoring
  • Additional group of individual instruction
    • Helen Wood Hall, 1W141
      Rochester, NY 14642

    Contact Us