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River Campus Libraries

Rush Rhees

With an extensive range of resources and world-renowned collections of rare and unique materials, the River Campus Libraries provides a starting point for all scholarly endeavors at the University of Rochester.

- Rush Rhees Library
- Carlson Library
- Art & Music Library
- Gleason Library
- POA Library
- Special Collections
- Robbins Library

Rush Rhees
755 Library Road
University of Rochester
Rochester, NY 14627-0055
585-275-5804 (Q&i)

Carlson Science and Engineering
160 Trustee Road
Computer Studies Building
University of Rochester
Rochester, NY 14627-0236
585-275-4488 (Q&i)

Physics, Optics & Astronomy
374 Bausch & Lomb Hall
University of Rochester
Rochester, NY 14627-0171