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South Wedge Farmers Market

South Wedge Farmers Market Logo

Welcome to the (very simple) home of the South Wedge Farmers Market and Community Marketplace (SWFM). We are looking to provide everyone with the information they need, in a very simple format, to make life as easy as possible.

We are hosting several indoor pop-up markets again this winter. You can attend the market from 4:30pm to 6:30pm on the following dates:
Thursday October 13th
Thursday November 10th
Thursday December 8th
Thusday February 9th
Thursday April 6th
Thursday May 11th

The market is held at 357 Gregory Street in the South Wedge at Odd Fellows Lodge. Check out the calendar link to see what vendors are scheduled to be at the market on each night.
  • 357 Gregory Street
    Rochester, NY

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